Ottiwell families advised of upcoming roadwork

Ottiwell Families,
We wanted to bring to your attention that starting on Monday, June 17th, the Belleville Ave. & Hathaway St. intersection will be closed due to road construction.
Exciting News!
This construction is the result of findings from the state’s Safe Routes to School program. The curbs in front of our building will be modified to meet current safety guidelines. We will also receive new, high visibility paint to increase safety during arrival and dismissal. This is an ongoing project. We will continue to explore additional ways to ensure the most efficient and safe pick up and drop off.
During arrival on 6/17 and 6/18:
All drop off scholars will enter at the rear of the building, on the Earle St. side. They will be greeted by a staff member at the playground entrance. This will require parents/guardians to park and walk their scholar to the entrance. Traffic on Earle St. must maintain a continuous flow. Families should refrain from allowing scholars to exit their vehicles while traveling on Earle St. All bus riding scholars will enter through the cafeteria door.
During dismissal on 6/17 and 6/18:
All parent pick up scholars will continue to wait for their parent/guardian in front of the building. This will require all parents/guardians to park on a neighboring street and walk to dismiss their scholar.
We truly appreciate your flexibility as we continue to make our building and grounds worthy of the scholars we serve.